The Gray Cheese from Mystic Cheese Company

The Gray Cheese from Mystic Cheese Company

British inspired cheese from Connecticut's coast.

At Mystic Cheese in Mystic, Connecticut, the whimsical cheese names are a reflection of the seaside town’s historic connection to the whaling industry, but don’t worry: the only animals involved nowadays are a single herd of cows on a neighboring farm.

The Gray pays homage to a traditional British cheese called Cheshire, but upgraded with decidedly New England vibes. It’s aged for three months, until texture is crumbly and the flavor evokes buttery, lightly salty, mineral notes.

Try it on a mustardy grilled cheese along with a pickle and a wheat beer.

Cow's milk
Traditional rennet

The Gray Cheese from Mystic Cheese Company

C-GRY by the lb
Current Price $19.50 - $38
Ships for flat rate
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