The Weekender Gift Box

The Weekender Gift Box

Our most popular gift box.

This is a great all-purpose gift, built from foods the recipient can snack on right out of the box. Whatever the occasion, folks will dig right in.

Assembled in our cartooned gift box, the Weekender includes:

Sweet Treats: no-nut Black Magic Brownie, Ginger Jump-Up Molasses Cookie, Zingerman's Peanut Brittle, and a nosher-sized Sour Cream Coffee Cake.

Savory Snacks: Zingerman’s Farm Bread, Holy Cow Beef Sticks, Zingerman's Sea Salt Potato Chips.

Looking for more food or something to fit a particular diet? Check out all of our Weekender Gift Box variations

"A crowd-pleaser."
Hannah Selinger, Saveur

"This basket packs a lot in... you can basically make a meal out of what’s inside. We particularly enjoyed the tangy sour-cream coffee cake and fudgy brownie. Overall, this is a solid collection for snacking, and it would be appreciated at a gathering or just as a treat for someone who needs a pick-me-up."
Most Gift Baskets are Terrible. These Are Great. Wirecutter

The Weekender Gift Box

G-WEE Serves 6-8 people for one event, or 1-2 folks for a week of snacking
Current Price $110
Free 2 business day shipping
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