Zingerman's First Cut Lean Pastrami

Zingerman's First Cut Lean Pastrami

Corned beef's spicy cousin.

Pastrami is the rich, spicy cousin to corned beef. It comes from the First Cut and is brined cured with a load of spices like black pepper and clove. Then the pastrami is smoked over hickory, making for incredible depth of flavor.

Here in Ann Arbor, our customers voted our pastrami laden Binny's Brooklyn Reuben as our best sandwich. You can judge for yourself by ordering our Sandwich Kit, which comes with all the fixins. Or just get a pound of pastrami, a loaf of pumpernickel, a jar of mustard and keep it simple.

Note that pastrami, a different cut of the cow than corned beef brisket, is usually fattier and a little chewier.

"No trip to Ann Arbor is complete without a pilgrimage to Zingerman’s Deli, where an $18 pastrami sandwich is worth every penny."
Ryan Kartje, Los Angeles Times

Comes sliced, ready for making your own sandwiches at home. Ships frozen.

Zingerman's First Cut Lean Pastrami

M-PAS 1 lb sliced
Original Price $30 On Special Current Price $15
Ships 2 business days
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