Hot Peppers in Olive Oil

Hot Peppers in Olive Oil

Start slow.

From the di Mauro family in Salerno, Italy comes this spicy condiment that begs to be added to any and all dishes.

They start with local, spicy chiles (a variety called ‘Amante’ by locals), mash them and mix them with olive oil and a smidge of salt. Then everything is allowed to hang out for a few months, developing deep, spicy flavor, till they’re ready for heat loving folks like us.

The heat hits you first in the cheeks, then on the tongue, but it doesn’t mask every other flavor you’re eating. Add a spoonful to pasta or mashed potatoes. Stir some in to bean or tomato soup. Spread some on a sandwich or a pizza. Dab some on fried chicken or grilled shrimp or steak. Start slow when you begin to experiment. A little goes a long way.

Hot Peppers in Olive Oil from IASA

P-HPO-L 200 g jar
Current Price $18
Returning on or before March 14
Ships for flat rate
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