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40% |
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Transit Time | 1 Business Day |
Shipping Cost | Totally Free |
Matcha Milk Jam
Silky green spread for toast or spoons.
Matcha tea is made from dried green tea leaves finely ground into powder. Instead of steeping like other teas, matcha powder is whisked into hot water to make a frothy, creamy drink.
This milk jam is like a lightly sweetened mug of matcha turned into a silky spread, reminiscent of Nutella but much more interesting. It’s vibrant green with a mildly grassy, earthy, nutty flavor.
I’ve been eating it straight off a spoon, but it would also shine as a dip for fresh fruit, as a spread on toast or crepes or shortbread, or dolloped atop pound cake or ice cream.
Matcha Milk Jam
250 g jar