Papua New Guinea Coffee

Papua New Guinea Coffee

One of the rarest, most popular coffees we roast.

Single-origin Papua New Guinea is a rare coffee that'll appeal to anyone who likes dark, deep, rich flavors. Its mouthfeel is thick, its flavor can be chocolaty, its impact intense.

About 85% of coffee from Papua New Guinea is grown by smallholder farmers whose plots are scattered over demanding and sometimes treacherous terrain. Most smallholders grow around 1700 trees, but some grow as few as 20 along with a number of other crops. Sourcing a substantial volume of coffee from these small-holders in remote areas can be difficult. That’s why we were thrilled to find this selection from the Apo and Angra Cooperatives.

The touch of our roaster, Steve, has transformed the excellent raw green beans we receive into something fantastic—one of the best coffees we’ve ever carried at Zingerman’s. 

Roast: Medium-Dark.
Tasting Notes: Complex. Deep, dark, nutty flavors with notes of chocolate.
Facts: Roasted fresh by Zingerman’s Coffee Company. Shipped whole bean. 

Papua New Guinea Coffee

P-COF-PNG 12 oz bag, whole bean
Current Price $25
Ships for flat rate
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