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Gunthorp's Hickory Smoked Duroc Bacon

Gunthorp's Hickory Smoked Duroc Bacon

Old breed bacon from Indiana.

Greg Gunthorp and his family have a small pasture-based livestock farm in northeastern Indiana where they raise pigs, chickens, ducks and turkeys. Greg's not a Johnny-come-lately to raising animals naturally. His fourth generation farm never added chemical inventions to its practices in the first place. "We never use antibiotics, hormones, growth promotants or animal by-produts in our feed,”  Greg told me.

Greg raises Duroc hogs; an old breed whose heritage goes back to the 1800s. Durocs are famous for their flavor. A friend of mine once described it—accurately—as almost a beef-pork blend, like the delicious result of a transgression between a pig and a cow.

Gunthorp bacon is dry 'cured' for a week with a simple dry rub of salt and celery powder (so technically it's 'uncured'). It’s smoked over hickory logs (not chips) for twelve hours. That leaves it lightly smoky, just a little sweet and all the way delicious. 

"WOW that is BACON. I mean it is bacon, not spiced, not salted, not cured, lightly smoked, but it has a presence that says I AM BACON. Just pure bacon that satisfies!! Tell Greg et al GREAT JOB!"
Merv, Merced, CA

Gunthorp's Hickory Smoked Duroc Bacon

M-HKD 1 lb sliced
Current Price $18
Ships for flat rate

More to learn

When your bacon arrives, you can store it in the refrigerator or the freezer. Once the bacon is opened, it will be good in the fridge for about a week. Unopened bacon in the vacuum-sealed package will keep for about 3 weeks in the fridge and up to 12 months in the freezer, so seize […]

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