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Tinned Brined & Spiced Sprats

Tinned Brined & Spiced Sprats

Lightly, warmly spiced.

Sprats are like sardines: little fish that school together to survive and eat plankton and fish eggs. And they’re delicious (also like sardines).

These particular sprats were caught along the Scandinavian coastline in the Baltic sea. The tiny fish were cooked, packed, and preserved in a tin with a touch of clove and allspice to give the fish a hint of warming, earthy flavor.

Enjoying them is as easy as opening the tin and laying the little fish out on a bed of lettuce, topping them with some shaved Parmigiano Reggiano, and serving alongside some crusty bread. Makes for a delicious lunch or enticing appetizer for all tinned fish lovers.

Tinned Brined & Spiced Sprats

P-FSS 100 g tin
Current Price $14
Ships for flat rate

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