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Cured Ham Slicing Stand

Cured Ham Slicing Stand

A kick stand for your cured ham (sold separately!).

This is the proper way to prop up your whole cured bone-in ham. Whether it’s from Spain or Iowa, many of our dry cured hams will fit.

These ham stands are great for country hams: the ones that cure for a year or more, that you serve at room temperature in super thin slices. In order for the ham to fit it needs to have the bone in, so a whole prosciutto with the bone removed is not going to work. They are also not a good fit for city hams: the ones you serve as the centerpiece of a holiday feast, possibly with pineapple slices.

The simple wood and stainless steel structure holds the ham steady and at the correct angle. That way you look utterly calm and fashionable as you hand slice thin sheets of cured pig to serve at room temperature. 

From Spain, where I imagine every household has at least two. 

Once you have your stand constructed and your ham in place, download our ham care and slicing instructions for full enjoyment!

Cured Ham Slicing Stand


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