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Aged Gorgonzola Naturale Cheese

Aged Gorgonzola Naturale Cheese

Extra matured blue cheese from Lombardy.

Next to Parmigiano Reggiano, Gorgonzola is Italy's other most well known cheese. And not without good reason. When it's good — like this — it's one of the most luscious cheeses around.

Traditional Gorgonzola is made just east of Milan, in the northern area of Italy called Lombardy. There, in the town of Gorgonzola, herds of cows rested during their autumn treks from their summer alpine pastures to their lower winter grazing grounds. That meant each fall the people in this little town were flooded with more milk than they could possibly drink. To make use of the surplus they did what almost every other traditional European culture did: they began making cheese. Eventually the cheese made in the fall took on the name of the town where it was made.

Traditional Gorgonzola is made in two styles: Dolce and Naturale. Dolce is the younger version, Naturale is the matured version. We prefer Gorgonzola Naturale for its wonderfully intense flavors.

Cow's milk
Traditional rennet

Aged Gorgonzola Naturale Cheese

C-GOR by the lb
Current Price $12.50 - $24
Ships for flat rate

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