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Miso is a staple ingredient in Japan made from fermented bean paste. On grocery shelves you’ll often see two kinds: white miso, which has a delicate sweet flavor from months of fermentation, and red miso, which has a strong salty flavor from years of fermentation. This awase or “mixed” miso from 300 year old Japanese producer Horikawaya Nomura is made by combining white and red miso and aging the mix for an extra year and a half.
The result is the best of both worlds and basically a two-in-one all-purpose miso for salad dressings, soups, stir fries, and noodles. This umami flavor bomb is also an outstanding addition to pasta sauces, and grilled meats, fish, and vegetables.
It comes in a resealable tub—a surprising rarity, since many misos come in plastic bags that are impossible to reclose. With this one, it’s easy to scoop a bit at a time and store the rest for later. Since it's fermented, it'll keep for months stored in the refrigerator.