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Brazilian Peaberry Coffee

Brazilian Peaberry Coffee

Utterly drinkable.

Ever find a case of wine so drinkable you wish you'd bought a whole boatful? Did you notice you started drinking more wine just because it was so, well, drinkable? This is that kind of thing, but with coffee.

Brazilian Peaberry coffee is not meant to stop you in your tracks. Its purpose in life seems to be to help you run out the door in the morning, to loosen you up, to make you enjoy your mornings a bit more. Mild, with just a bit of nuttiness and virtually no acidic bite, Brazilian Peaberry is easy to wake up to. It’s the kind of coffee that can easily become a habit, like it is in Brazil’s Cerrado region, where it’s grown. Get your first bag this week, and you won’t tire of it as you sip some day after day.

Roast: Light.
Tasting Notes: Mild and smooth with very little bite. Slightly nutty finish.
Facts: Roasted fresh by Zingerman’s Coffee Company. Shipped whole bean. 

Brazilian Peaberry Coffee

P-COF-BPC 12 oz bag, whole bean
Current Price $25
Ships for flat rate

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