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Chermoula Spread

Chermoula Spread

Moroccan-style magic.

Chermoula is one of those sauces that has a thousand variations in its home region, across North Africa. This take, inspired by maker Mehdi Boujrada’s home country of Morocco, is a mix of sun dried tomatoes, cilantro, parsley, cumin, coriander, paprika, garlic, a pinch of salt, and a touch of preserved lemons which gives it a gentle kick.

Its deep, herbaceous flavors and bright savory notes go well with any type of dish from roasted vegetables to steak to the pairing it was born for, fish. Add a glug of chermoula into your marinade or vinaigrette. Whether you’re getting ready to spark up the grill or mix up the harvest of the garden, chermoula is the panacea for curing boring cuisine.

Chermoula Spread

P-MOU 9 oz jar
Current Price $15
Ships for flat rate

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