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Holiday Virginia Salted Peanuts

Holiday Virginia Salted Peanuts

Salted peanuts, ready for the holiday party.

How do you improve on big, fat, perfectly roasted Virginia peanuts? Dress them in their holiday finest and watch ‘em tear up the party.

The folks at Virginia Diner in Wakefield, VA use extra large whole Virginia peanuts because they’re big, dense, and they’ve got a terrific crunch. We eat them by the handful at my house. Now that the tin they come in is dressed to impress with handsome holiday finery, they’ll be the star of all our gatherings this year, from Thanksgiving through New Year’s.

With a tin this large, lots of revelers will get to crunch together (or one snacker can keep nibbling for a few weeks).

Holiday Virginia Salted Peanuts

P-VDP-HOL 18 oz tin
Current Price $16
Returning October 2025

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