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Raspberry Hibiscus Preserves

Raspberry Hibiscus Preserves

For at least one bite, all is right in the world.

Our friends at Blake Hill in Windsor, Vermont have been making English-style marmalades and jams for a number of years and I’m pleased to report they’ve cracked the code on raspberry preserves.

To my palate, few preserve makers are able to capture the delicate texture and flavor of raspberries without making it seem like an overly sweet paste with seeds. But after tasting this one I knew all was right with the world. The jam masters at Blake Hill cook the raspberries with hibiscus petals and the bright, floral notes of the hibiscus balances the sweeter peaks of the fruit.

Luscious and the truest flavor and texture of preserved raspberries I’ve found in years. Spread it on toast or scones or crepes, swirl it in yogurt or oatmeal, dollop it on cake.

Raspberry Hibiscus Preserves

P-RZH 10.8 oz jar
Current Price $15
Ships for flat rate

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