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Zingerman's Handmade Candy Bars

Zingerman's Handmade Candy Bars

Old fashioned candy bars.

Zingerman's Candy Manufactory got its start making great, old-fashioned American candy bars almost entirely by hand. Chunky, fat, fudgy bars you can wrap your hand around. They're not the serious kind of sweet you nibble with your eyes closed, hushed, your tasting notes near at hand. They're the kind where you chew great chunks off—fun, fantastic candy, made with all natural ingredients, without cutting a single corner.

Most Popular: Zzang! Original
Our candy-making crew start with honey nougat made with natural peanut butter. They roll it up in silky caramel made from organic muscovado brown sugar. Big Virginia peanuts come next, and the whole endeavor is finished off with a dip into a rich bath of 64 percent dark Colombian chocolate.

Peanut Butter Crush
Smooth peanut butter and crisped rice mixed with bits of peanut brittle and covered in dark chocolate. A crunchy twist on a classic combination.

Milk Chocolate Karamel Krunch
Muscovado brown sugar caramel mixed with crisped rice, enrobed in milk chocolate. Sweet and light.

Ca$hew Cow
Cashew butter, roasted cashews, our own cashew brittle and a bit of puffed rice, milk chocolate and just a smidge of sea salt. Dipped in dark chocolate. An appropriate bar for anyone with a career in finance.

Raspberry Wowza
Raspberry ganache covered with raspberry nougat. Raspberry jelly candies come next, then a bath in dark chocolate. It's fresh and fruity.

"They remind me of the 1930s bars that were hand made, slab style."
Beth Kimmerle, author of The History of Candy

"Chewy, crunchy, sweet, salty and highly addictive—this luscious handmade candy bar puts the vending machine stuff to shame."
Oprah's O Magazine

Zzang! Candy Bar

P-ZZG 2.5 oz
Original Price $6.50 On Special Current Price $4.50
Ships for flat rate

Zzang! Candy Bar - case of 12

P-ZZG-12 Case of twelve 2.5 oz Zzang! candy bars
Original Price $78 On Special Current Price $39
Returning on or before March 17
Ships for flat rate

Peanut Butter Crush Candy Bar

P-PBC 2.0 oz
Original Price $6.50 On Special Current Price $4.50
Ships for flat rate

Peanut Butter Crush Candy Bar - case of 12

P-PBC-12 Case of twelve 2 oz candy bars
Original Price $78 On Special Current Price $39
Ships for flat rate

Milk Chocolate Karamel Krunch Candy Bar

P-KKB 1.3 oz bar
Original Price $6.50 On Special Current Price $4.50
Ships for flat rate

Karamel Krunch Candy Bar - case of 12

P-KKB-12 Case of twelve 1.2 oz candy bars
Original Price $78 On Special Current Price $39
Ships for flat rate

Ca$hew Cow Candy Bar

P-COW 2.0 oz
Current Price $6.50
Ships for flat rate

Raspberry Wowza Candy Bar

P-WOW 2.5 oz
Current Price $6.50
Ships for flat rate

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