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Onion Rye Bread

Onion Rye Bread

Erin's favorite.

Erin is a barista at Zingerman's Coffee Company.

Onion Rye caught my eye while I was still in high school and new to the ways of gastronomy. Its poppy seed studs were so rebellious... so punk. And that faux-hawk of caramelized onions on top of the loaf...out in the open. So dangerous. Thrilling. Like it was staring me down, daring me to ask it to dinner; James Dean, Johnny Depp, and Daft Punk looked conformist next to this scoundrel. I was excited and worried, simultaneously. What if my family hated all that onion? But then, something happened. Onion Rye's table manners were impeccable. Every course went flawlessly. My family loved Onion Rye when I brought it to dinner. We dunked, dipped, smothered, slathered, nibbled, gnawed, and sopped the night away. Onion Rye was perfect. It was daring enough to make every day exciting, but refined enough for the most formal dinner party. It's been a long, long time since Onion Rye and I first met, but we're happier than we've ever been.

This handmade bread's ingredients are onions, organic wheat flour (organic wheat, malted barley), water, organic freshly milled whole rye flour, sea salt, caraway, poppy seeds, and yeast.


"The onion rye is the best bread I’ve ever had... I wish I lived within driving distance. If I did I would buy onion rye every week."
Michael, Allen, TX

"For dinner [we] warmed the onion rye bread….and WOW!"
Shirley, South Riding, VA

Heat the bread when you're ready to eat. Click here for instructions.

Onion Rye Bread

B-ONI 1.5 lb loaf
Current Price $10
Ships 2 business days

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